Woma Python 

2023 Pairings

This trio was chosen as a breeding group for their beautifully defined dorsal stripes, their clear banded bodies, and particular brown hue.

This is an awesome lighter trio of breeders that we hope produce bright banded offspring.

This group was chosen for their jagged and pixelated body pattern. We hope to see these breeders produce some interesting patterns!

This trio’s dark tones make their grouping a no brainer.

We hope this trio passes their interesting bands and thin dorsal striping to their offspring.

This pair has a cool olive tonality that we hope to see passed on to offspring.

The exaggerated bands and stripes are the focal point on this pair.

We chose this trio for their classic Woma look!

These two have an olive base but bands and striping that are quite dark. We hope to see some cool contrast from these two.

Like the pair above, these two exhibit some nice contrast! These, however, have the fun jagged body pattern different from normal bands.

Here we have a pair with a nice light beige base that juxtaposes nicely with their dark pixelated bands!

With this pair, we’re exploring how their differences will play out in their offspring. We’re excited for their surprises!

This pair’s jagged bands combined with their orange tones are sure to produce some interesting kids!