Grab Bag Contest

Each contest will consist of three bags for the three snakes pictured. Each bag available for purchase has been preassigned to one of the snakes in the contest. The image of the three snakes in each contest will be the exact snakes offered.

Shipping on the grab bag will be $55. Customer can combine other contest winning for only one shipping charge or can combine with any regular Ball Python order for free shipping. Shipping terms are the same as everything on our site. Please see terms for more info. 

If you would like to know what you’ve won in advance, you will get an order form emailed to you immediately after purchase. It will have a link to an image letting you know which snake you have won. The picture will be the same image from the contest but it has been modified with the winning snake in color and other snakes in black and white. If you cannot find the email you can login to your account on our site and click on the My Account tab. From that page you can select downloads and it will have the link to the snake you have won.

But if you want the excitement of seeing your new pet when you open the bag, I would ignore it ;).